Carlyle, Sardinas, Wolf join Board of Directors
When David Giuliani founded our organization, he wanted to welcome a diversity of voices bringing a variety of perspectives. It’s in that spirit that we welcome three new members to our Board of Directors:
Reuven Carlyle
Architect of the Climate Commitment Act, and founder of Earth Finance, a climate strategy and finance firm, Carlyle served for 14 years in the Washington State Legislature, most recently as Chair of the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee.

Paula Sardinas
Sardinas is President/CEO of FMS Global Strategies, a Black and BIPOC government affairs advocacy firm. She also plays a leadership role in The Purpose Driven Girl, a nonprofit focused on empowering BIPOC women and girls. She was recently selected as a delegate to the United Nations 67th Commission on the Status of Women.

Tom Wolf
bp America was an early supporter of the Climate Commitment Act, and a strong voice for its passage. As bp’s Senior Government Relations Manager – U.S. West Coast, Tom is a vocal clean energy proponent both inside and outside the company. [add quote from Tom]

Carlyle, Sardinas, and Wolf join Board Directors Alan Crain (Executive VP & CFO, Kitsap Bank), Greg Herlin (President & CEO, C-Keg), and Jan Thijssen (Principal, J. Thijssen, LLC)

Alan Crain

Greg Herlin

Jan Thijssen
Together, they offer perspectives from business, government, and environmental justice that will help Clean & Prosperous Washington work to enact and implement effective climate policies in Washington state that drive down greenhouse gas emissions, improve health and job outcomes, propel a stronger, more globally-competitive economy, and serve as a beacon of best-in-the-nation climate action for other states to emulate.
For more information about our Board of Directors, please see our website.