Clean & Prosperous Washington


Your investment in our work will have a local impact with global consequences.

The Climate Commitment Act (CCA), Washington state’s “gold standard” cap-and-invest system, is under attack. Sunday’s Seattle Times reported, 

“The auctions have already raised $1.5 billion to use for Washington projects that reduce emissions and improve air quality. Yet, future funding is in jeopardy, with a sword of Damocles hanging over the new carbon market. If ‘cap-and-invest’ is to endure, our state must make it as stable and predictable as possible for companies and the people of Washington.”

Will 2024 be the year that Washington state slams on the brakes, and returns to a fossil fueled economy that profits a few? Or will it be the year we put the pedal to the metal and accelerate to a cleaner, more prosperous economy for all?

Your support will help determine the answer.

With sincere thanks for your support, from the team at Clean & Prosperous Washington.


As a 501(c)(4), contributions to Clean & Prosperous Washington are not tax deductible.

Contributions can be mailed to:

Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961
Seattle, WA 98111

Clean & Prosperous Washington is a project of the Washington Business Alliance.
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