Creating Jobs is Job #1

Is the Climate Commitment Act really a “Jobs Commitment Act”? Well, in a way it is. Consider this: According to an analysis by the Low Carbon Prosperity Institute, every million dollars invested in the Resilient Recovery Portfolio (the sort of projects that the Act could fund) creates 10.1 full-time-equivalent jobs.1 This compares to 4.3 full-time-equivalent jobs created per million dollars invested in the state’s largest industries. The investments also outperform the broader state economy benchmark, which supports 7.4 full-time-equivalent jobs per million dollars invested.

SB 5126, the “Climate Commitment Act”, will generate substantial investments for jobs across the state, stimulate positive economic returns, and ensure we meet our carbon emissions targets.

1 Building Back Better: Investing in a Resilient Recovery for Washington State

Clean & Prosperous Washington is a project of the Washington Business Alliance.
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