Clean & Prosperous Institute
California Study Mission 2.0
Mark your calendars for our second exciting California Study Mission to Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Join us and the Climate Commitment Act’s lead architects, Sen. Reuven Carlyle and Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon, as we learn more from California’s $10 billion experiment in funding clean energy projects. This second Clean & Prosperous study mission will focus on investments and innovative projects that are protecting the climate and improving air quality.
This study mission will begin Wednesday, June 22nd in Sacramento and conclude in Silicon Valley on Friday, June 24th. What we can announce now is a forum facilitated by Craig Segall of CARB, who oversees the incentive programs for transportation and a tour of the PACCAR Innovation Center, where the future of zero emission trucking is taking shape. Additional details will be announced in the weeks ahead, but count on informative presentations, insightful clean energy site tours and excellent company.
Featured Speakers

WA Senator
Reuven Carlyle
Chair Senate Environment Committee

WA Representative
Joe Fitzgibbon

Craig Segall
California Air Resources Board
Deputy Executive Officer, Mobile Services Incentives
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Limited scholarships are available to attend this study mission. Contact for details.